Privacy Policy

Thanks for visiting a website of Trndmarker! This Privacy Policy describes what  information we collect and how it’s used and shared. If you have any comments or questions about this Privacy Policy, feel free to contact us at

Trndmarker The website belongs to Trndmarker. Trndmarker is in the business of Market research.
Our business information:
Trndmrkr, Rokin 102, 1012 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
 KVK: 55412505

Core Principles

When it comes to your personal information we believe in transparency and privacy. So before we get into the details, we want to share with you a few of our core privacy principles. First, we will never sell your personal information to anyone. It’s just not the type of business we’re in. Second, we don’t ask for your personal information unless we need it to provide or improve services for you. Third, we don’t share your personal information or for the very limited purposes described below. Finally, we appreciate that when you use our services, you trust us with your information, and we take that responsibility very seriously. This Privacy Policy holds us accountable for protecting your rights and your privacy.


When you use the Trndmarker website, we collect the following information, and use it only as described below.

Account Information

This may include your name, address, email address and IP number. We use this information in the ways you would expect, such as to send out your order or contact you. This is stored in Mailchimp and for indefinite period.

Research information

If Trndmrkr recruited you as a respondent for research purposes, we stored your name, address, age, occupation, email address and account details for the project payments and client agreement for the project only, the details will be stored for a period of 5 years conform market research industry standards.

Communications with us

When you send us emails or other communications, we maintain those communications and their contents so that we can resolve your inquiries or otherwise assist you.

Usage & location Information

This includes information about your activity on and interaction with the website and where you are visiting from. This information enables us to analyse how the website is being accessed and used, and to track performance. This information is collected by Google Analytics anonymously and stored for indefinite period.